Linggo, Hulyo 22, 2012

My Idol.... My Hero.....

  J Persons That I Greatly Admire  J


V GOD gave his only begotten son to save us from the bad thing that we have than.

V JESUS is my SUPERHERO because He sacrifice his LIFE with no doubts in order to SAVE us from our sins.

always thank God for my life, my family, friends and blessings that He gave to me.

I ask for the forgiveness of my sins.

If I have a problem I always pray to Him and ask for the guidance.

V God is always here for us, and always listening to our prayers.  

He's the reason why we are living here on earth.

 He's my strength in every problem and challenges I face.

V JESUS is always ready to sacrifice His life for us.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

They are my heroes because they always guide and help in every challenges and problems that I face. I LOVE GOD and JESUS CHRIST.

♥ #2 My Parents 

♥ My parents are my idol because they became a role to our family. 

♥ I learned a lot of things from them. We should be contented on what we have, that is one of the sermon that I learned. 

♥ They work hard for me and for my siblings.

♥ They sacrifice their happiness for our family. 
I'm proud that they are my parents and I love them so much.

F#3 Johnny Depp

He's my idol because he's a great actor.

He's not only an actor but he's also screenwriter, director, producer and musician.

I admire him in every role that he portrays.

1 komento:

  1. Well, it's good to have an idol like Johnny aside from your parents and God. It shows that you're a normal teenager. BTW I like Johnny, too. :)
