Linggo, Nobyembre 25, 2012

Expectation and Reality

My Expectation in Sports fest:

We are just a freshmen. I expect that we are not going to win or achieve any award because w're just only new in school. Some of our block mates are not really playing any sports. So that we're not expecting that we are going to win. We are just having fun. Some of my block mates did not participate. They don't even join any sports. They don't even support or cheer our players.


We won in Basketball girls and it's all because of Ate Leslie and Rochelle. Rochelle was running for MVP. I'm happy for her. In Patintero,we are just 2nd runner-up. Basketball Boys, we lose but we are happy because our boys were so competitive even though they have injuries the game must go on. They ignore the pain. We enjoyed the sports fest and it is another experience for us as a college student. :)

Linggo, Oktubre 28, 2012

How To Make Kalamay


  • 1 kilo Malagkit rice powder
  • 2 cups of Brown Sugar
  • 1 cup of Coconut Milk for "Latik"
  • 5 cups of water


Step#1.Put the Malagkit rice powder on the bowl or any container that we can use. Pour the 2 cups of water in a bowl and mix it together.

Step#2.Form the mixture into square and cut it into slant to form that shape in the picture.

Step#3. Put the mixture in the boiling water with the brown sugar.

Step#4.Wait until the syrup boils.

Step#5. Put the Latik in the boiling syrup.

And it is now ready to serve!
You now enjoy this Filipino dessert.
As easy as that. 

Miyerkules, Agosto 22, 2012


Most of the people that I know have problems and experiences that also happened to me. 
An example for this is the victims of typhoon and flash flood. I know how they feel, it's really hard to move on that situation especially when one of the family had died because of it. I'm very thankful to God that it didn't happen to us when their is typhoon and deep flood in our province.

Linggo, Agosto 5, 2012



In my high school days, my other classmates are very unfair because in our exam in math they got high scores without reviewing our lessons. For those who spent studying lessons hard got not so high grade that's very unfair. They cheated on our exam, also in quizzes. My teacher is wondering why they got high scores but in previous exam they are the one who got low grades. So that my teacher repeat our exam and she watched us closely during our examination. Then the result of their exam is very low so that every examination we are very secured. Our teachers are very strict during examination, we are not allowed to talk with our seatmates.

In this video,that's one of the strategy of my former classmates.

:44: - Celebration - party

The other one is my brother, he's very unfair to me. I am not allowed to make a noise when he's still asleep but if I'm the one who's sleeping he's making noise and he's listening music, it's very loud, He don't care if he disturb me or my sister. I really hate my brother in that matter. He's very unfair!

:N0: - Nahiiii - cute smilies

That's all
- @iamhanamae

Sabado, Hulyo 28, 2012



Forgiveness. a word we often hear, a word that was hard to utter, a word that cannot easily be given.

I have an experience about this forgiveness, when my FORMER BEST FRIEND left me because of her boyfriend. She ended our friendship without any doubt. She hurt me and every time I sent her a text message or we sees each other at school she ignores me. The last message that she sent to me, she told that I could find a new best friend. I let her go because she's happy with her boyfriend. :'(  I cry because of her.Then 2 months before high school graduation she apologize about on what she did to me and I already forgave her but our friendship will not be back on what we have on past. 

Another one is when my former boyfriend cheated on me. He hurt me so much. I accept the fact that we are not meant for each other and I forgave him even though he didn't ask for an apology. :'( I'm happy for him.

We often hear or see in most of the writings that in order for us to live happily is to always forgive. But how can you forgive if the person who hurt you is the person you love the most? In perspective, the above quotation, I see it in different way because, " I may forget but I can't forget. " This is the situation that I am handling right. I can always forget what that person does to me but I can never forgive him. It might be because of fear. It can be that I am afraid it might happen again or It can be that I possesses a heart of stone. In time it will heal, as I often heard them say. But I have this talent of calculation how much damage that person have done to me. I am looking forward on the day that can strongly say " hi!" to all the persons who wronged me.

- that's all for today :)

Linggo, Hulyo 22, 2012

My Idol.... My Hero.....

  J Persons That I Greatly Admire  J


V GOD gave his only begotten son to save us from the bad thing that we have than.

V JESUS is my SUPERHERO because He sacrifice his LIFE with no doubts in order to SAVE us from our sins.

always thank God for my life, my family, friends and blessings that He gave to me.

I ask for the forgiveness of my sins.

If I have a problem I always pray to Him and ask for the guidance.

V God is always here for us, and always listening to our prayers.  

He's the reason why we are living here on earth.

 He's my strength in every problem and challenges I face.

V JESUS is always ready to sacrifice His life for us.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

They are my heroes because they always guide and help in every challenges and problems that I face. I LOVE GOD and JESUS CHRIST.

♥ #2 My Parents 

♥ My parents are my idol because they became a role to our family. 

♥ I learned a lot of things from them. We should be contented on what we have, that is one of the sermon that I learned. 

♥ They work hard for me and for my siblings.

♥ They sacrifice their happiness for our family. 
I'm proud that they are my parents and I love them so much.

F#3 Johnny Depp

He's my idol because he's a great actor.

He's not only an actor but he's also screenwriter, director, producer and musician.

I admire him in every role that he portrays.

Linggo, Hulyo 15, 2012

Blushing SmileyBlushing Smiley  LOVE.LOVE.LOVE   

Love is what you feel to a special someone. It is very unconditional. Many in love persons would say that love is like a HEAVEN and it makes them crazy. If they are deeply in love they can do everything just to prove how much they love their special someone.

Three words that are easily to say but hard it's hard to stand for it. You may hurt someone if you didn't how to prove it.

Not all love stories have a  happy ending.

It is really hard to move when you get hurt. Your heart is like broken into pieces and it's hard to fix.

It's hard to let go someone when you still love him but you need accept the that you are not destined for each other.


Love, you're so distracting...

When you're in love with someone you always think about him and you can't concentrate on what you are doing. :)